Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Ring in the New Year

So, it's been a while since I've posted. I've been really busy. Went to Burrrrrrrlington, Vermont for work. I'm talking FREAKING cold. It was minus 1 on the Monday I was there. Crazy cold for a girl from the South.

I've had foot surgery. Minor, but annoying. Bone spur in the big toe. Fun! They even had to take off (gulp!) my toenail. That was the part that grossed me out the most. So, I thought I would share.

Mostly, it's been a good year. So far. It's only February 1 and I'm already planning into March. I love being a grown-up. What happened to fly by the seat of your pants...don't plan it 'til it gets That was me. Guess we all have to grow up sometime.

Dang! (ya'll)