Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Medical Maladies and Muggle Reform

Ever had your ear irrigated? Funky stuff! Seems like the month of medical maladies. It's crazy, but my son had strep 2 weeks ago. I had to get my ear irrigated b/c well, I panicked and thought I had punctured my ear-drum (thankfully, I hadn't.), I just had an abundance of ear wax (ewww!). I'm all clear now. Then, I get another problem that I won't go into, my right leg went out on me and my son fell and got a whopper of a "boo boo" on his knee. This falls shortly after my son gets poison ivy at the beach and a doozy of a sinus infection.

We should be sent to St. Mungo's b/c I think someone put a jinx on us.

Yes, I'm one of those "Harry Potter freaks" as a girl in my office so kindly puts it. I'm excited to read the book. My copy came in on Saturday...the day of my Affliction-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named .... and I've not done much else since.

My dear hubby, D-man, has never gotten into it. Which is kind of funny b/c his mother introduced us to the series back in 1999. However, after seeing the last movie (about which I will keep my opinion to myself) he was actually stoked to read the books. However, I couldn't get him to start at the beginning. I got him to start on book 6. Oh well, we do what we can. He's not a big reader anyway, so this is a start.

Please, oh please, no one ruin the book for me. I've done so well to avoid all media pertaining to the book and I tell anyone who starts to talk about it not to ruin it for me. It's one of the small joys I get. I'm very sad that this is the last book, but I'm hoping the last 2 movies will make up for it. Soon enough life will be Potterless and then I will be truly sad.

I have to say. I think that J.K. Rowling is amazing. She really has created such a phenomenon. I think that if anyone can get kids to read 700+page books, she should be commended. And for all of her detractors...get a grip. You didn't see kids wandering off into the wilderness to return the "one ring" or if you did, Holy Cow!! They were using their imaginations! So What! Didn't we all play pretend games as kids? Get over yourself and the hippogriff you rode in on...(sorry, couldn't resist.) LOL!!

Yeah, I'm a dork. I know.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love

Don't know why, but I've had that song stuck in my head ALL DAY! I'm not a huge Elvis fan, by any means, but I woke up with that in my head and it just won't leave..

Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature risin'....

I have no idea...

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Thanks, Galarza!

I stole this item from Galarza b/c I love me some Zombie movies!! ($haun of the Dead!!) However, I'm still blog-tarded and can't figure out how to link stuff. So, this is the best I can do.


Monday, July 02, 2007

"Somebody's got a case of the 'Mondays'!"

Nothing much to say just wanted to get that other blog off the first thing I see when I log on.

The D-man works for the company that sold the phones that people were camping out on street corners for. A type of phone that I shall refer to as the hphone. I think I could live the rest of my days and not hear about a "hphone" and be perfectly happy.

Yes, I think they're cool and the next best thing and all that. But SHEESH!! People! It's a PHONE!! I guess, I'm just jaded. I would never spend THAT much money on something that you could drop in a toilet and bust.

However, if someone were to give me one for free...Hells, yes! I'll take it. But sleep out in the streets for one...I think not.