Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'd be here, except for Facebook....

Seriously, I need help. Facebook is so damn addicting. I've been on there every day. It's the first thing I do in the morning...I live for Flair!!
Here's a pic of me and my bitches. Okay, so I'm probably one of their bitches. We haven't really discussed who's in charge. But, anyway....we all liked this picture. Cheers!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Minnie, You Wicked, Wicked Temptress.....

We did it. We finally took our little guy (okay, not so little) to Disney. AND we survived!! He had a great time. I will post more pictures later. I don't care that it's the Mecca of Merchandising, we can't wait to go back.

As you can probably guess, this was after the "Pirates of the Caribbean". ARRRRRGGH!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Thank you, Sh&%$ Bag!

So, yesterday I innocently went in to take my son into his classroom and amidst the chaos of Monday morning drop-off a mom came over and asked me, "Is that your blue Ford Escape?" To which I reply, "yes, it is" thinking I'd left my lights on and she says, "Your window's busted out." Pardonmesaywhat??

In the 5 minutes I was in his classroom someone busted my front passenger window and stole my purse. D'OH!!! They got me and another car. The worst part was that I was parked in the front-most space at the school, right front and center. The one you'd think would be the MOST safe. The other car was parked up next to the school. I feel all icky knowing that someone was watching me and my son, waiting for us to go in so they could break into my car. The kicker is that 90% of the time I put my purse on the floorboard or under my jacket or in the back seat for EXACTLY this reason. The other mom had her driver's side window busted. At least they were kind enough to bust my passenger window.

D-man was on the scene and helped by calling the bank first and getting our accounts shut down. We talked to insurance and will be getting it fixed with a minimal charge. I was on the phone all morning cancelling credit cards, getting new medical insurance cards, registering fraud protection with the various credit protection companies and all of the other fun things that go along with getting your ID, credit cards, etc stolen. They got no cash from my wallet(haha, joke's on them!), but they did get some gift cards :-( Our insurance rep said that our homeowner's insurance might cover the reimbursement on the cards, but we'll see. Don't know that I'm that concerned about it at the moment. I'm mostly just thankful that neither the boy nor I were hurt. They just wanted the stuff. (Heck, just ask. I'll give you my purse....don't have to break my window!)

We found out around 3pm that they somehow managed to cash checks for two of our accounts totalling $600!! (bastards!) But since it was AFTER we'd put a hold on our accounts the bank is responsible. BUT I have to sign affidavits and all that crap b/c someone is too lazy to work for their own money. UGH!!

Things they did not take: CVS cranberry pills, hair clip, cell phone, blue tooth, lunch box (complete w/ breakfast AND lunch!) water bottle, make-up bag..... However, they did get my FAVORITE hair clip in my purse. Oh well... Like I said, at least the boy and I were not hurt.

My state of mind is this...someone out there has my ID....CREEPY!!


Hope you guys are all having a happy and safe day.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Happy New that it's February.

So much has happened since we last saw each other. We've gone to New York (Western New York, that is) to visit the in-laws. Had a great visit and got to see LOTS of snow. We had Christmas and New Years, replaced the water main to our house, I gave blood and they butchered up my arm, and I spent a fun week in Salt Lake City, Utah for work. I saw even more snow there. (actually, it was unreal how much snow...) Park City is gorgeous! I can see why Robert Redford likes it there.

However, my hands were raw, dry and cracked by the time we got home. Nothing says dehydration like your sad, pained hands. This is why I love the ocean. Give me the beach over the cold any day of the year!! However, the mountains were absolutely fabulous to look at and think about. Good thing I spent most of my time in-doors with a frosty beverage.

It's been great. Now, back to the grind.