Wednesday, May 31, 2006

House Project Check-In

Get Toilet fixed...check

Get Toilet fixed again...check

Get Toilet fixed AGAIN...check

Put in hardwood floors....uh, yeah, about that. See, I had to go to New York for a week for work, then the toilet leaked and then we went to Florida on vacation and when we got back it leaked again....

Remember I said not to make any Christmas plans with us.....

I told you...that friggin' toilet is E-V-I-L!! Finally, we think the "stinkin' summbitch" is fixed for good. We're just waiting...and watching...

IPod...Coolest thing EVER!

I recently received an IP*d N*no from my dear sweet husband. This is the coolest thing EVER. I don't know how, as a race, we ever survived without it. I spent almost 6 hours on the computer loading songs and I could have done more. (For the record, I HATE being on the computer at home since I'm on it for 8+ hours every day at work.)

I just listed to "Come Away with Me" by Norah Jone$ and now I'm listening to "Because the Night" by 10,000 Maniac$. Who knows what's next, it's on "shuffle". Could be something from "Wicked", could be "Tainted Love" by $oft Cell, could be "Life in a Nut$hell" by BNL. Who knows! It's like Christmas in a tiny, little, flat, credit card-sized box thing. I love it. Oh, wait, it's "Last Beautiful Girl" by matchbox twenty. So cool!

Earphones could be a little smaller, though. Lefty hurts after a bit. Guess righty is bigger than lefty. That seems to be the way it is with my body. hmmmmmmmmm.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's the end of the we know it...

... and I'm not fine.

They killed Denny. WHAT....EVER! Honestly, it was almost worse than Edgar. If you didn't cry, you don't have a soul. Hopefully, Izzie will be okay. They should bring in a identical twin brother. Then I would smile again. Okay, okay, I know they aren't really real people, but (heavy sigh) that's what makes a good show. Characters you "care" about. I'll call them "caractors". Hmm? No? Too cheesy. Okay. Never mind.

Tonight. Lost.

(heavy sigh...Poor Hurley.)

Fake Henry Gale is SOOOO the bossman. You mark my words. (insert evil laughter)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

LOST...(spoilers...if you didn't see May 3rd)


Totally didn't see that coming. Michael...bad. Ana Lucia...Gone. Libby...Gone (maybe). DAAAAAMMN!

What an excellent episode and a freakin' fabulous Keyser Soze moment with Fake Henry. I'm conviced he's the head guy, "the man in charge".

Awesome show. What an amazing hour. Hell, what an amazing final 2 minutes.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Work in a word...


It didn't always, but now it does.

If I had a dollar for every second I've thought about cashing everything in and moving to the beach to be a bum, I would be (ironically) a millionaire. Hey, at least I could get the really, really thick cardboard to sleep in.

Sadly, I really like most of the people with whom I work and the work I do is alright. Nothing to where I'll change the world, but something to do to put food on the table. I met two of my dearest friends here. I'm just bummed a lot b/c the atmosphere has changed so drastically over the last three years or so. Managers coming and going, rules changing, perceptions changing. I get it. I mean, it's life. Things change. BUT this is not good. I don't love it.

Plus, part of me really wants to be a stay-at-home mom. However, another part of me screams that I would go nuts at home with kids. What to do? What to do? I think I'll just surf the net. That's always productive at work...