Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Season Enders...

Okay, it's THAT time of year. My shows are coming to an end...for the season.

1) LOST : Who IS Ben?? What will happen to Jack, Kate, Sawyer/James, Locke? Will Charlie die? Will Sun survive her pregnancy? Will the black smoke come back? Was Locke's dad right? Is this hell? If Hell's that pretty, sign me up. Except for the getting buried alive part. Yik!

2) Heroes: Will Sylar or Peter blow up NY? Will Hiro get his sword fixed? Will Micah get away from SCARY Candace? Will Niki or Jessica win? UGH!! too much

3) "24" (this has not been the best season. I've missed 2 episodes and didn't really cry that much) Will Grandpa Bauer get away to China with Jack's love child? Will Morris and Chloe make up? Will Audrey stay coo coo for Cocopuffs? Will the hot terrorist dude kill Marilyn so she can go full time on Heroes?

4) "The Office" Will Jim and Pam finally get together? Will Jan and Michael get married? Will Dwight and Angela finally admit to their love? Will the warehouse guys finally kill Michael and be done with it?

5) "Scrubs" will J.D. storm Elliot's wedding? Will Janitor finally kill J.D.? Will Ted finally kill Dr. Kelso? (yeah, I really got nothin' except the wedding thing...)

And finally "The Sopranos", yes, I know it's THE END. Will A.J. follow in dear old dad's footsteps or will he end up like Jackie Jr.? Will Christopher go to the Feds or will the Feds come to him for killing J.T. and then he'll flip? Will Phil end up whacking Paulie? Will Carm realize that Tony had Adriana offed? Will we ever see what Silvio looks like in the morning before he does his hair??

Heading down to the sunny shores of Florida next week. Hopefully, I'll post some pics when I return.