Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Year's Blues

(I started this on January 5th. It's been a busy year, so far!)

Oh well. Christmas is over. We had to go ahead and take our tree down on the 26th b/c of allergies. The D-man is allergic and I've got a wicked sinus infection so we decided it would be better for everyone if we went ahead and did it. I've taken the decorations down, but haven't put the regular stuff back up so our house looks sadly empty. Except for the toys. It looks like Toys R Us had a sale in my living room. Trains, trucks, books, $piderman EVERYWHERE! Can I tell you how much those little trains hurt to step on?!! Just ask D-man who stepped on one and took a header in the kitchen. It wasn't pretty.

I actually took a header too, on Christmas eve at my folks house. They have a tiny galley kitchen and it leads into the den area via a single step. This step has been the bane of my existence since I could walk. When I was little I'd go tearing through the den into the kitchen and I would hit the step and land midway through the kitchen and it would knock the wind out of me. This time it took me out going down the step into the den. Busted my knee, bashed my elbow, crushed my wrist. Good times. Happy Holidays! I'm not drunk, I swear.

I did attend midnight mass. Yes, I'm a Christmas Catholic (or Cathoholic as we say sometimes). They even had a "brochure", if you will, about coming to church and how even if you are a "Christmas Catholic" there's still a place for you in God's yada, yada, yada. Thus, solidifying my reasonings as to why I only go to church once a year. Would you like a side of guilt with that wacky wafer and Jesus Juice? Thanks. I'm full. :-) However, I do like the tradition and the ceremony. Although, this mass was done in English and Indonesian. There was also some interpretive dance which I couldn't get into. Okay, so it wasn't "Interpretive" dance, but they looked silly. I didn't realize church was dinner AND a show, now. I miss the old Latin "productions", if you will.

At any rate, the holidays are over. Let the New Year begin!