Friday, October 27, 2006

Reality Strikes Back.

I've recently discovered I really think it's funny. I'm sure it's a great networking tool for some people, but mostly I see it as high school online. How many "friends" do you have? Are they the "cool" people? I can't believe that person thinks I want to be their "friend"? Like, OH MY GOD!

I've got 4 friends, as of yesterday, and I'm totally cool with that. Mostly, it's just a silly past time. Is is fun to talk all about myself? Sure. Post pictures of what's going on in my life? Sure, why not. Then you get the freaks who want to send you naked pictures of themselves. What's up with that? StarzB, I really don't want to look at your soapy naked butt. Thanks, anyway. I really don't care about Dave, in Tampa, 27 years old, looking for friends. If you've got to go online to find friends, perhaps you just need to get out of your mom's basement. It's one thing if I know you and you want to be a "friend". It's another if you're a complete stranger. Dude, I'm not looking for a date. I'm not looking for a dirty e-mail. I'm just here to check out what my friends from high school and college are up to.

Thanks, but I think I'll "deny".

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Erin's Journey

Okay guys,
This is not a plea for money. Well, it is, sort of. It's actually for a cause, not a person. Well, it's in a person's name.

My friend, Erin, is going through her third round of chemo. First, when she was 12 then, second, two years ago. She had a baby last December and is going through chemo again. She asked that if anyone wanted to do anything, to please donate to St. Jude Children's Hospital. They saved her life when she was twelve. Check out the link (b/c I'm a dork, I still don't get all that html stuff) below and donate to a great cause. The bracelets are cool, too.

The term "Erin's Journey" came from when she came back to work from her second bout of cancer, a co-worker was talking with Erin and found out about the first round, when she was a child. The co-worked expressed sorrow that Erin had gone through that and that it came back, and Erin said, "don't be, it's just my journey in life".

We are selling the bracelets for $5 and 100% of the proceeds (minus shipping, if it has to be shipped) goes to St. Judes. 100%!! We're on our way to reaching our goal of $2, 200 and you can help!!

Erin has an AMAZING spirit. If you do go to the link above and you can click on a couple of other cool pages. "Erin's Medical Blog" is maintained by her husband and gives great insight as to what they are going through. Also, you can check out her little boy, Tanner on "The Baby's Page". He's the cutest thing you've ever seen. A picture of Erin is also there, she's sporting her recently purchased, new "'do". The top picture is her husband and he's wearing one of the bracelets.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ever Wonder...

Ever wonder how someone who's not even 3 feet tall can rule your world? Maybe not. But I do. I'm the mother of an amazing (almost) 3 year old. He's funny. He's silly. He's completely all "Boy". Yesterday, as I lovingly picked him up from pre-school (how guilty working mothers refer to daycare) he proceeded to kick and scream and tell me he didn't want to go home. Meanwhile, he's got a full (and I mean FULL) load in his pull-up. (read: Ewwww!) He's thrown himself on the blacktop parking lot and yelling at me that he doesn't want to go home. (yes, I'm LOVING being a parent right now.)

Then, I get him in the car and he does that straight-back thing that gets him out of his car seat and sliiiiiiides down onto the Cheerio-covered floorboard of my Ford Escape and wails at the top of his voice that I was indeed NOT his friend. (38 hours of labor and all I get is this stinking .....well, you know)

Okay, so I wrangle him into the car. He then yells, at the TOP of his lungs, completely incoherent thoughts about his elephant and "Where the Wild Things Are" until I finally just tell him to keep yelling, ..."c'mon, a little louder. Not everyone in Dunwoody can hear you, yet." For whatever reason, that stopped the tantrum. About a minute later he was asleep. He slept from 4:20pm until 6:00am (the next morning). I got home and I changed his pull-up and put him in bed. He didn't stir until about 9:00pm, I went in and said to him "Goodnight, I will see you in the morning" and he went right back to sleep until 6am the next morning.

It was awesome and at the same time a little scary. D-man and I didn't know what to do with ourselves. So, we finished watching the last 30 minutes of "Walk the Line" and did laundry. Then, I folded clothes and watched our newly purchase, "The Little Mermaid", and then watched "Nip/Tuck". I haven't watched that much TV in one night in a long time.

The Boy woke up at 6am and was a whole new kid. Apparently, he hasn't been napping at school much and it's caught up to him. I also think he's a little anxious about potty-training. He's a little bit high-strung (which I have no idea where it comes from....okay, it's me...) about certain things.

That's my life. My, how things change in just 3 short years!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Two Days of Meetings and All I Get is This Turkey Wrap and some Baklava.

The title says it all.

17 hours of meetings
1% of said 17 hours actually pertains to me.

Jason's Deli Baklava: Priceless