Monday, August 21, 2006

What's in a name?

Okay, I know there's a name for people who go around the office scrounging for food. What is it? Does anyone know? I can't remember. Anyway, we have one of those in my office right now. I will call this person "The BFG". You remember the book by Roald Dahl, don't you?

My co-worker and I share an office. It's a nice large space and I can see out of the window in the person's office across from me. We have a plant (fake) and a coconut man we've dubbed "Wilson'. Occasionally, we plug in the Christmas lights. It's generally pleasant. We have our own little contraband microwave and fridge that 'Catbert' the evil HR director constantly threatens to remove b/c it's not "to code". Yeah, okay. Whatever. Try it and we'll just hide it in the closet where there is a plug and no one ever goes in there. HA (so there.)

Quite often, one person in particular comes in and opens the fridge and starts scrounging. My co-worker and I are the only ones who put food in there so if the BFG gets anything out, we know it's does not belong to said BFG. Duh, it's not rocket science. My co-worker once was missing low carb yogurt. Gee, I wonder who the culprit could be??? Argh. And trust me, a couple of things of low carb yogurt are not going to do this person ANY good. (okay, that was mean.) As I said, ARGH

Anyway, to you office fridge vultures I offer this advice. We know who you are. Stop it and stay away.

T. Out.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Circle, circle, dot, dot...

Is it just me or has traffic been actually better this week? Of course, I live up in the 'burbs, but 400 has been awesome. Dunno.

Anyway, as the great philoso-tater, Eric Cartman once said, "Screw you guys, I'm going home." Okay, well maybe not this second, but soon. Okay, maybe not soon, but eventually. It's Friday, afterall. Whew! Made it through the week. On Wednesday, I seriously thought I was going to "throw down" with this guy in IT. It was bad! Then, yesterday, I got yelled at for defending a new employee. Not by anyone important, mind you, but Evil (not her real name) was making fun of and bitching about a new employee and I stepped up and defended said new employee and got blasted. Basically, Evil is one of those people who wants everyone to like her and agree with what she says and when you don't she finds something about which to pick on you. Whatever beyotch. You can't intimidate me. Just because I'm short (okay, WAY short), doesn't mean I can't defend myself. I'm Irish... I'm scrappy.

I will push you down!

Today, I will have a good day. Why? Because. That's why. I'm in a good mood. I'm going out with a friend to see a movie while hubby hosts neighborhood poker night. I will have a beverage or two and life will be fine. :-)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Shoes from H.E.L.L.

Okay, so now I have come to fully realize that I should have gotten the red Aerosoles with the fabulous cushioning instead of the black pieces of death I bought. For some reason my feet swell two sizes (and those puppies are already 9s) when I come within two inches of these shoes. I don't know who Audrey Brooke is or what I did to piss her off, but she should be drawn and quartered. I'm just glad I don't have to walk around a lot for my job. Now, I'm just wishing I hadn't had those two glasses of tea and that the bathroom was closer.

Tomorrow...flip flops!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My Latest Facination..

I love stand-up comedy. Always have. I love Robin Williams, Bill Cosby, George Carlin, Steve Martin, Eddie Murphy, etc. The D-man and I always get sucked into watching C0m-Cent stand up shows. He even took me to Robin Williams at the Fox a couple of years ago for my birthday (love him!).

A long time ago we saw a guy on TV who was really funny, but we didn't see him again for a long time until one night he hosted SNL. Dane Cook. He's awesome. Su-Fi!! We've watched his HBO special religiously and can't wait for the September 4th special.

(If I knew how to do all that funky html stuff I would link, but I am lame-very lame-and don't know how. d'oh) Pointers anyone??

Anyway, if you don't know who he is, check him out. He's so funny and WAY out there and spins an awesome tale that always leaves me ROLLING on the floor, tears in the eyes, stomach muscles on the verge of collapse. I would love to see his live show, but he doesn't seem to come to GA often. If he does I'm so there! (this is where I am inserting a hint for a really good present for a special occasion... my birthday, Christmas, Halloween, Thursday....)

So, keep your ears to the ground and let me know if you ever hear of him coming to the ATL.