Friday, August 18, 2006

Circle, circle, dot, dot...

Is it just me or has traffic been actually better this week? Of course, I live up in the 'burbs, but 400 has been awesome. Dunno.

Anyway, as the great philoso-tater, Eric Cartman once said, "Screw you guys, I'm going home." Okay, well maybe not this second, but soon. Okay, maybe not soon, but eventually. It's Friday, afterall. Whew! Made it through the week. On Wednesday, I seriously thought I was going to "throw down" with this guy in IT. It was bad! Then, yesterday, I got yelled at for defending a new employee. Not by anyone important, mind you, but Evil (not her real name) was making fun of and bitching about a new employee and I stepped up and defended said new employee and got blasted. Basically, Evil is one of those people who wants everyone to like her and agree with what she says and when you don't she finds something about which to pick on you. Whatever beyotch. You can't intimidate me. Just because I'm short (okay, WAY short), doesn't mean I can't defend myself. I'm Irish... I'm scrappy.

I will push you down!

Today, I will have a good day. Why? Because. That's why. I'm in a good mood. I'm going out with a friend to see a movie while hubby hosts neighborhood poker night. I will have a beverage or two and life will be fine. :-)

1 comment:

galarza said...

poker, 'south park' & scrappy irish people...this is the best post ever!