Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Life in the Fast Lane...

...or the suburbs. You know, whatever....

We got our new (rhymes with Conda) car. Our "Black & Tan" if you will. She's a beauty! And we really got a good deal on it as I think I frightened the sales people a bit. :-*
Our House Project is nearing completion...and it's not even Halloween!
Our 2 1/2 year old got his...count 'em...third set of tubes in his ears last week. (yea, daycare)

Mostly, I'm really happy about the house project being close to completion. All we have to do now is add the tiny moulding around the baseboards and the 4 transition pieces and VIOLA! Now, we'll see how soon that actually is completed. The pieces have to be cut to fit, sanded, painted, nailed down and the nail holes filled and repainted. Yippie skippy! I actually prefer this to laundry or mopping, but hey who wouldn't?? I'd rather go to the dentist...speaking of which, I have to make my appointment for my cleaning.

I think this is why I "blog". Just to keep track of the random crap floating around in my head. hmmm

Thursday, June 15, 2006

More Cars

Okay. So, I've come down a bit from my "ready to obliterate all who stand in my way" day. We're ready to buy the (rhymes with Conda) car and we're going tonight to test drive ANOTHER car.

Let me interject here... Car salesmen don't really know what they are getting into with us. We looked at 31 houses before we found our happy home. We are picky people with a GREAT amount of patience when it comes to major purchases.

So, with all things being as they are, we're probably going to sign the papers tonight, get the check from the bank tomorrow and pick up the car tomorrow. We'll see. Did I mention I hate buying cars?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


WTF is up with car salesmen? I had one bare-faced lie to me last night. They are evil, evil people. I get sick to my stomach every time we have to buy a new car. I did come to the ultimate realization last night that they need me WAY more than I need them. Never really thought about it before. They are trying to cut a deal and "oh, let me do this for you." BLAH! I say.

Here's what you can do for me, jerk-wad. You can stop jerking me around and be straight. I can go anywhere in this city and buy a (rhymes with "Conda"). I don't need you and your "deals" after you've lied to me. Oh, wait, perhaps you were just mistaken. ?? Too bad. You said what you said and I'm holding you accountable, ya friggin' punk!

Grrr. Arrgh. This is not the week to mess with me. I'm having all kinds of issues and a car is the last thing I need to deal with. However, we do "need" a new one, but we don't "have to have it" right now. I like having the upper hand. Being able to walk away is a beautiful and empowering thing. I think my hubby is a little unsure of how to deal with me right now. I love him.

Friday, June 09, 2006

I think I'm ADD

I cannot concentrate today. I have so much stuff going through my head. Work, cars, home, kids, work BS. It's Friday, I'm supposed to be happy. Instead I just keep getting dumped on. Some days it just doesn't pay to wash your hair. Maybe if I was all gross people would leave me alone!!

Urgh. Almost time to go home and I swear, to whatever being controls the universe, if anyone gets in my way at 4:31pm today I will beat them severely about the neck and shoulders with a large blunt object.


I will just listen to my IPod and be happy. I've got Vinx going right now. Rock on!
