Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Life in the Fast Lane...

...or the suburbs. You know, whatever....

We got our new (rhymes with Conda) car. Our "Black & Tan" if you will. She's a beauty! And we really got a good deal on it as I think I frightened the sales people a bit. :-*
Our House Project is nearing completion...and it's not even Halloween!
Our 2 1/2 year old got his...count 'em...third set of tubes in his ears last week. (yea, daycare)

Mostly, I'm really happy about the house project being close to completion. All we have to do now is add the tiny moulding around the baseboards and the 4 transition pieces and VIOLA! Now, we'll see how soon that actually is completed. The pieces have to be cut to fit, sanded, painted, nailed down and the nail holes filled and repainted. Yippie skippy! I actually prefer this to laundry or mopping, but hey who wouldn't?? I'd rather go to the dentist...speaking of which, I have to make my appointment for my cleaning.

I think this is why I "blog". Just to keep track of the random crap floating around in my head. hmmm

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