Friday, July 07, 2006

Time Away...from WORK! Rock on.

I am back to work for the first time in 7 days. That's right, folks. Count 'em...7 days. I'm actually in a good mood b/c not only is it my first day's Friday. Heck, yeah!

Things I did in the past 7 days:
1) Took my 2 1/2 year old to the GA Aquarium by myself. (...and this is why I drink...)
2) Saw "Superman Returns" (awesome flick)
3) Had a date night, much needed, with the D-man.
4) Went to a pool party for a friend's birthday. Fun. Except for that whole "bathing suit" issue.
5) Saw "The Devil Wears Prada" with my mom.
6) Walked my son down to the OR for his ear surgery (3rd set of tubes) and watched as they put him under. I still can't think about it without tearing up. (ugh!~) You'd think I would be used to it by now. 3rd times the charm, right?
7) Spent some much-needed time with my husband and little one.
8) Watched "Serenity", surprisingly good flick. I was impressed, but then again I love Joss Whedon's stuff ("Buffy", "Angel")
9) Realized I watch too much stuff. However, I did exercise 5 out of the 7 days I was off and lost about 3 lbs. Not just from the exercise, but b/c my a$$ wasn't glued to my chair in front of a computer for 8 hours a day...and hey, I think I need a snack.

Hopefully, I can keep it up. I've done well so far today. Just have to remember to exercise tonight... after the neighborhood cookout and I get the boy to bed and D-man goes to play poker...perhaps. If not, I will definitely do it when I get up in the morning with the boy. :-)

1 comment:

galarza said...

isnt it fun to make a "what i already did" list? good for you.