Thursday, December 06, 2007

Almost forgot...

I almost forgot to mention. It was The Boy's birthday last week. Never in my 34 years did I think I would make a Diego birthday cake, but I did. Just ignore the fact that Diego is two and a half times the size of the elephant. You work with what you got. Okay, so it's not the train cake
(or the the train of terror cake for Auntie L), but at least it's not the shamrock cake that decided to fall appart after the car ride!!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

So this is Christmas....

I think I've mentioned this before.

I love Christmas! It makes me happy. Two of my CDs in my car are Christmas CDs. "Relaxing Christmas" and "Barenaked for the Holidays" (nothing perverted, just BNL's holiday CD). Seriously, I loves me some Christmas. I'm not a religious person per se, but I love this holiday just the same.

To completely change the subject, sort of... I just finished a great book called "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal" by Christopher Moore. It's a brilliant book and I highly recommend it to those of you with a good sense of humor with regards to religion. It's a "comedy" about the years of Jesus' life that the bible doesn't cover, ages 13 through 30. How he learned to multiply food, walk on water, heal the sick. It's really funny and it's a great story. I love the way Moore writes. He tells a great story. Next on my list is, "You Suck: A love story". Can't wait.

Also, I am re-reading the Dark Tower/Gunslinger series by Stephen King. I have read all 7 books and when I finished I knew I had to re-read everything again. I read all the books when they originally came out (yes, I waited the 6 years in between "The Waste Lands" and "Wizard and Glass"...damn near killed me!!) and then waited again for the final 3. Brilliant, brilliant story telling. Each book is better than the last (I think "Waste Lands" is my least favorite, but still a good story). By the end you're so exhausted, but still hungry for more.

Speaking of hungry...I gotta run and eat breakfast. This may or may not be my last post of the year. Just depends on how work and everything else goes. If I don't talk to you, have a wonderful holiday, whichever holiday you celebrate.

Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sad news.

I received some very sad news this morning. A friend from high school passed away unexpectedly (as if there's really any other way at the age of 32?) on Friday. I am so very sad. I haven't seen him in about 12 years, but he's a person you don't forget.

Seems cheesy and insincere to say anything here except his name. Jonathan Katz.

The world is a little smaller today.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ho Ho Ho...what did you call me?

Just kidding. I've been away a long time, I know. Don't be sad, just be happy for me. I've been so very busy lately. Work has been busy, home has been busy. The holidays are chalking up to be busy, too. So, I've been loyaly-ish reading your blogs, but really just unable to write anything of any interest to anyone but me.

I'll hopefully be a little more visible in the next couple weeks. If we don't talk, just know that I'm not thinking about you!!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

There's something about Leona...

Okay. So, I've gone to NYC (for work) and returned. Same as last May I managed to get "pink eye"...But this time it was WAAAAAY worse. I looked like I'd been punched in my left eye. It was awful. It's almost a full week later and I'm still battling the red.

We stayed at the Helmsley Medical Tower and it just didn't feel clean. I mean, it's nice enough except that the carpet never really seemed dry. It was hot and humid in the room b/c the AC didn't really go down to the frosty temp I like my hotel rooms. Thank goodness I took my handy travel fan or I would have never slept. (That bad boy goes with me everywhere for the "white noise".)

I swear it's the hotel's fault. What are the odds?? The last time I got "pink eye" was when I stayed there last May. It cannot be just a coincidence? Can it? I blame Leona.

The work trip itself was good. The flight home...well, at least I finally GOT home. LaGuardia is a horrible airport. I've never gotten a flight out of there on time. This time my 7pm flight didn't arrive to ATL until about 1:45 in the morning. So, I didn't get home until 2:45. To top it off the train was down and we had to walk the whole way back and my feet were on fire. I'd been in heels and hose since 5:30am. Thank goodness we were only on the B terminal. Every single step was agony AND I had to pee!! Yeah, there are no bathrooms down there once you leave the terminal. Or if there are I couldn't see them b/c I was too busy looking down to see if my feet had fallen off. So, after finally getting my bag, which really didn't take long, and paying for parking (by the way...the machines inside the airport don't work after a certain hour...yeah, THAT makes sense!) I started on my merry way home, exhausted and blind as a bat. I finally crawled into bed at about 3am. I woke up long enough to send D-man and the Boy off and I went back to sleep.

When I finally crawled out of bed it was almost 11am and I had to make a doctor's appointment for my disfigured eyeball. I picked up my son from daycare and went to the doc who told me (after saying, "oooh, yeah, that's bad") that I had Conjunctivitis Belpharitis-sorry if I misspelled that- probably caused by either Staph or Strep (great, I have "strep eye"??) and essentially "here's an ophthalmic antibiotic and do some warm compresses...bye!" Have you ever felt like the doctor was grossed out and just wanted to get out of the office you are in and go boil himself?? That's how he made me feel. Maybe it was just that it was 3:00 on a Friday or that I'd brought my 3 1/2 year old with me. Either way, great bedside manner!

Anyway, I went on my merry way and I'm on the mend. That was last Friday and it's now Thursday. I actually woke up without my eye being glued shut this morning. It was great. I'm goop-free, but they are still a bit on red/pink side.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Medical Maladies and Muggle Reform

Ever had your ear irrigated? Funky stuff! Seems like the month of medical maladies. It's crazy, but my son had strep 2 weeks ago. I had to get my ear irrigated b/c well, I panicked and thought I had punctured my ear-drum (thankfully, I hadn't.), I just had an abundance of ear wax (ewww!). I'm all clear now. Then, I get another problem that I won't go into, my right leg went out on me and my son fell and got a whopper of a "boo boo" on his knee. This falls shortly after my son gets poison ivy at the beach and a doozy of a sinus infection.

We should be sent to St. Mungo's b/c I think someone put a jinx on us.

Yes, I'm one of those "Harry Potter freaks" as a girl in my office so kindly puts it. I'm excited to read the book. My copy came in on Saturday...the day of my Affliction-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named .... and I've not done much else since.

My dear hubby, D-man, has never gotten into it. Which is kind of funny b/c his mother introduced us to the series back in 1999. However, after seeing the last movie (about which I will keep my opinion to myself) he was actually stoked to read the books. However, I couldn't get him to start at the beginning. I got him to start on book 6. Oh well, we do what we can. He's not a big reader anyway, so this is a start.

Please, oh please, no one ruin the book for me. I've done so well to avoid all media pertaining to the book and I tell anyone who starts to talk about it not to ruin it for me. It's one of the small joys I get. I'm very sad that this is the last book, but I'm hoping the last 2 movies will make up for it. Soon enough life will be Potterless and then I will be truly sad.

I have to say. I think that J.K. Rowling is amazing. She really has created such a phenomenon. I think that if anyone can get kids to read 700+page books, she should be commended. And for all of her detractors...get a grip. You didn't see kids wandering off into the wilderness to return the "one ring" or if you did, Holy Cow!! They were using their imaginations! So What! Didn't we all play pretend games as kids? Get over yourself and the hippogriff you rode in on...(sorry, couldn't resist.) LOL!!

Yeah, I'm a dork. I know.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love

Don't know why, but I've had that song stuck in my head ALL DAY! I'm not a huge Elvis fan, by any means, but I woke up with that in my head and it just won't leave..

Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature risin'....

I have no idea...

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Thanks, Galarza!

I stole this item from Galarza b/c I love me some Zombie movies!! ($haun of the Dead!!) However, I'm still blog-tarded and can't figure out how to link stuff. So, this is the best I can do.


Monday, July 02, 2007

"Somebody's got a case of the 'Mondays'!"

Nothing much to say just wanted to get that other blog off the first thing I see when I log on.

The D-man works for the company that sold the phones that people were camping out on street corners for. A type of phone that I shall refer to as the hphone. I think I could live the rest of my days and not hear about a "hphone" and be perfectly happy.

Yes, I think they're cool and the next best thing and all that. But SHEESH!! People! It's a PHONE!! I guess, I'm just jaded. I would never spend THAT much money on something that you could drop in a toilet and bust.

However, if someone were to give me one for free...Hells, yes! I'll take it. But sleep out in the streets for one...I think not.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Pokey, The Big House, The Slammer, Hoosegow...

Who's with me? Pari$ Hil+on in it should be. I'm not a "hater", but I could not be happier than Paris Hilton going to jail. If it was anyone else wouldn't they have to serve time for the same offense?

I'm not sayin' I'm just sayin'.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Don't Blog Angry.

So, well, yesterday I was a little peeved. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm sorry. (P.S. I use emoticons EVERY day at least 50 times per day...)

On with a new day. We finally got a much needed, albiet short-lived, rainfall. I am blogging about the friggin' weather...I'm old.

Let's see....


Yep, that's right. I have nothing of any real interest to say at the moment. I started out wanting to say something. Now, I have no idea. Oh well....hopefully I will feel more blog-worthy tomorrow.

We are going to Jacksonville in two weeks for my Great Aunt & Uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration and renewal of vows. This is my paternal Grandfather's half-sister. 50 years is a LONG time to spend with someone. I hope to be so lucky in life. I'm going to see relatives I haven't seen in MANY years and some I've never met. People are coming from all over, as far away as Boston and even Taiwan. Pretty cool.

Th-th-th-That's all folks!
I wanted to put something on here that made me smile when I looked at it. Here's my son's first smile captured on cell phone cam. (Hard to believe this was 3 years ago...)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Things that suck and/or piss me off.

1) Women who use their husband's e-mail address, rather than getting their own.
2) People who cut me off in traffic (while on their cell phones).
3) Parents who allow their children to throw fits in public and do NOTHING about it.
4) My child throwing a fit in public. (at least we remove ourselves...)
5) Car repairs.
6) Home repairs.
7) People who make lists about things that piss them off. :-P
8) Emoticons. :-) :-( :-P
9) The end of the weekend....i e. the beginning of the week.
10) Monday.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Life in the Fast Lane...

My weekend.

I met a friend for girl's night out for dinner and a movie ("Mr. Brooks") and ended up playing the roll of Detective at Phipps Plaza when I witnessed a car hit a parked car in the parking deck and then do nothing. He parked his car and went in to the mall (right after checking out what damage was done to HIS car...not the car he hit mind you) and came back about 10 minutes later and left. There wasn't much damage to the other car, but the guy should at least have left a note. The guy's bumper could fall off when he drives out of the parking deck. So, I got the license plate and gave my "statement" to mall security. Security was extra interested when I told them he was on his cell phone. I hope I've hopped on the Karma train.

Finally got to the movie (what is UP with paying $9.25 for 15 foot images on a screen???) and was somewhat surprised at a semi-interesting movie. It was kind of sloppy b/c there are a couple of things WAY wrong with it, but it was definitely entertaining. Dane Cook was pretty good too for his first real time in a drama. You could tell he REALLY wanted to be funny but pulled back for the drama. Kevin Coster was great as a bad guy, William Hurt, I just can't say enough good things about him. Demi Moore was pretty good, too. (Man, if I could only look that good at her age!!) All in all, fairly entertaining, but with a few glaring flaws. I didn't hate paying that much money for it.

We put our son in a "big boy" bed. There has been no sleep to be had in our house for a couple of days now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Last but not least, came to work with my hair wet for the first time in 10+ years. (Yes, you DO care.) It's one thing in or right after college, but once your IN the workforce.... Yeah, I have my "flafro" going on... (that's my term for my hair...flat but fro) I just ran out of time this morning. I figure I'll pull it up by 10 am anyway...

I know I've bored the piss out of anyone who cares enough to read this with 3 boring things and one "what the hell?" statement, but rock on!! But at least you've learned a new word "flafro". That's mine, but you can use it.

Have a great Tuesday!

Pics I just know you've been DYING to see from our vacation:

the view from our "hotel" room.

Isn't it sad that someone this cute should get poison ivy on vacation??

Daddy is such a good sport!!

Our setup on Anna Maria Island. It was a little breezy.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Season Enders...

Okay, it's THAT time of year. My shows are coming to an end...for the season.

1) LOST : Who IS Ben?? What will happen to Jack, Kate, Sawyer/James, Locke? Will Charlie die? Will Sun survive her pregnancy? Will the black smoke come back? Was Locke's dad right? Is this hell? If Hell's that pretty, sign me up. Except for the getting buried alive part. Yik!

2) Heroes: Will Sylar or Peter blow up NY? Will Hiro get his sword fixed? Will Micah get away from SCARY Candace? Will Niki or Jessica win? UGH!! too much

3) "24" (this has not been the best season. I've missed 2 episodes and didn't really cry that much) Will Grandpa Bauer get away to China with Jack's love child? Will Morris and Chloe make up? Will Audrey stay coo coo for Cocopuffs? Will the hot terrorist dude kill Marilyn so she can go full time on Heroes?

4) "The Office" Will Jim and Pam finally get together? Will Jan and Michael get married? Will Dwight and Angela finally admit to their love? Will the warehouse guys finally kill Michael and be done with it?

5) "Scrubs" will J.D. storm Elliot's wedding? Will Janitor finally kill J.D.? Will Ted finally kill Dr. Kelso? (yeah, I really got nothin' except the wedding thing...)

And finally "The Sopranos", yes, I know it's THE END. Will A.J. follow in dear old dad's footsteps or will he end up like Jackie Jr.? Will Christopher go to the Feds or will the Feds come to him for killing J.T. and then he'll flip? Will Phil end up whacking Paulie? Will Carm realize that Tony had Adriana offed? Will we ever see what Silvio looks like in the morning before he does his hair??

Heading down to the sunny shores of Florida next week. Hopefully, I'll post some pics when I return.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Holy CRAP!

It's been a LONG time since I blogged.

What's happening??

1) Going to Florida on vacation in 20 days. Not too soon either... C'mon sandy beaches....
2) My son is having surgery in 8 days. Nothing big, just ANOTHER set of ear tubes. Poor baby. But he will be SOOOOO much happier.
3) We stole our neighbors front door (with his permission) and are using it for our own. Yeah, we're trashy like that. I hate our door. The genius who lived there before us (actually, he WAS a rocket scientist) painted the door dark green (so green it's almost black). Well...this door gets direct sunlight for about 3-4 hours EVERY DAY. So, the wood molding around the pretty glass window at the top is cracked and it cries glue drips all over the place. Our neighbor was having all of his windows and doors replaced on his house. There's absolutely nothing wrong with his door, but he's having the entire doorway replaced and the old door doesn't fit. So, he gave it to us. It's white and will REFLECT sunlight, not suck it up. Whoo Hoo....
4) Tons of house projects...blah, blah, blah.
5) Daycare issues I care NOT to go into.
6) oh, Yeah. Work.

Gotta go do some #6.

Friday, March 02, 2007

We Want YOU!

I heard a commercial this morning for joining the CIA. It was so very weird. It sounded very interesting. Talking about gathering intelligence, travel and working for your country...blah blah...

I thought, hey, I could be the next Jack(ie) Bauer... It sounds so cool. I don't think I could kill anyone, but they didn't advertise that so there must not be any of that in the CIA. Right? (yes, the colors ARE prettier where I live.) Although, if there's enough training...I'm pretty good with a gun. Okay, so they're paint guns and bb guns...whatever...

Who's with me?! There are travel opportunities...

Friday, February 16, 2007

Denny, Denny, Denny!! or VD recap

Whoo hoo. Okay, so Meredith might be what. She bugs me anyway. However, we get a view of Denny...Whoo Whoo. I'm sorry, I know I'm a sap, but he was just the best character. So, damned loveable. You couldn't help but love him. (D-man didn't get it, but he also didn't get Ewan McGregor in "Moulin Rouge" either...) I think the idea of Denny was what was so appealing about him. He knew what he wanted and he made sure that the woman he loved knew it. I think that's what men miss most of the time is that women want to feel wanted. At least, I know I do.

That said, on the heels of a great Valentine's day for me, I just wanted to let you know how much I love my D-man. Sometimes, often, it's the little things that count. He brought roses to my office. He could have sent them, but he brought them himself. That was the best part. He brought them himself. Then, when we get home from work that day he presents me with a charm bracelet from Jame$ Avery (that I wanted) with two charms; a bride and groom and baby shoes. It's my new favorite item in the whole world. He listened. He heard. If you listen to people and really hear them you can make them happy. If you want to, that is. It's not the fact that he bought me things (although, that WAS a nice touch), but that he listens. Did I mention he brought the roses to me himself. He took time out of his day to make mine happier.

Now, it's my turn to try to be a good listener, because I don't think I've been that good lately.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day...

You know, we used to say, "Happy VD" in high school and it was sooooo funny. Yeah...good times!

Anyway, I hope everyone has a happy valentine's day. It's never been one way or the other for me. I don't hate it, I don't love it. I've never been a cutesie flowers, hearts and candy gal. The D-man usually takes care of me on this particular day and I try to return in kind. However, I'm not heartbroken if I don't get candy and flowers today. I got the D-man a little something useful and a giant solid chocolate Her$hey's kiss. That's about it. Oh, and a funny card. I don't do sappy...unless I'm feeling it. And well, after the past weekend, I'm just not feeling it.

My love to you all, out there. I hope your day is wonderful even if you don't give two sticks about VD.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lost Heroes... (some spoilers, so beware)

Okay, I don't know if I'm just on a "Heroes" high, but my old favorite "Lost" seems to have lost some of it's magic. I don't know. I was slightly disappointed in last night return ep. Don't get me wrong, I'm still giddy at the sight of Sawyer without a shirt and can't wait to friggin' find out who the "Others" really are, but I was a little let down by it last night. I think I like a little closure in each of my shows, but each episode of "Lost" just create more and more questions without ever really resolving anything. I really hope they have it planned out because if someone can't explain to me why the hatch exploded b/c of some damn button, I'm going to be very upset. Or what the hell that black "smoke" is and why it killed the pilot and Echo? Or why they steal kids and babies and wanted Walt and pulled that "A Clockwork Orange" crap on Carl, or made Sawyer eat bear biscuits, or where'd that polar bear come from and why was it running around on the island, or how everyone knows someone from somewhere else and how they all ended up on the plane together.....AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Seriously, Bobby Ewing better not wake up in the shower on this one or I'm gonna be pissed! "Heroes" hasn't taken the #1 spot on my TiVo, yet (that's still "Lost"), but it just might.

I mean, seriously, how's Niki going to get out of that mirror??? The absolutely only thing I don't like about "Heroes" is Peter and his little stroke-victim thing he's got going on with his bottom lip, but whatever...I totally knew Nathan was Claire's daddy!! That's so cool!!

Don't even get me started on "24". You know, we have TiVo on the downstairs TV so I go old-school and tape (with the VCR) "24" upstairs so we can watch it after. This week, I accidentally taped "SuperNanny"...WHAT!!! I need my "Jack Bauer Power Hour"....I was so pissed!! PMS and no "24". Monday was NOT my best day.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sad News...

Mr. Nunn passed away last night. Anyone reading this who either went to Chamblee High or knew someone who did, please pass on the word. He taught biology for 30 years at CHS. He was also the father of one of my good friends. I cannot even begin to express my sadness right now. My parents both went to CHS and had him 30 years ago.

I also received bad news about another friend's father who has cancer. It started in his lung, has gone into his brain and now his liver. Fortunately, they caught these early, but that's no guarantee.

Everyone take a minute and just think about someone you love. Call them, give them a hug, send them an e-mail, something. Anything.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Okay, so I took 10 minutes and wrote some heartfelt, thoughtful prose about being a Mommy and wife and all that crap and lost it. Not my sanity...the blog entry. Dang. (The sanity went a long long time ago.)

Oh well, so here I's Friday. Scenes of "Office Space" are running through my head. Can't wait to get to the weekend. It's sad. I love my job. Well, love might be a little over the top, but I do like it. However, it's been a rough week and I'm looking forward to having a frosty beverage and sitting down with my feet up, vegging out to mindless drivel on the television for an evening. We've worked out twice this week and I tell you, it's been tough. Not the workng out part, just the scheduling of events that have gone on around it. Trying to get The Boy from home to school to grandmas to home again and in to bed by a reasonable time has not been easy. We're going to go to the (indoor) pool on Saturday and then going to a friend's birthday on Sunday, so we're not lacking in events this weekend, but it will be fun things that we will enjoy on our own time.

Did anyone watch the musical '$crubs' episode last night? Funny stuff after having just had my physical and the doctor sends me home with a "fecal occult" test. Yeah, not going to happen, crazy lady. Apparently, everything comes down to poo. At least, that what they tell us. :-)