Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lost Heroes... (some spoilers, so beware)

Okay, I don't know if I'm just on a "Heroes" high, but my old favorite "Lost" seems to have lost some of it's magic. I don't know. I was slightly disappointed in last night return ep. Don't get me wrong, I'm still giddy at the sight of Sawyer without a shirt and can't wait to friggin' find out who the "Others" really are, but I was a little let down by it last night. I think I like a little closure in each of my shows, but each episode of "Lost" just create more and more questions without ever really resolving anything. I really hope they have it planned out because if someone can't explain to me why the hatch exploded b/c of some damn button, I'm going to be very upset. Or what the hell that black "smoke" is and why it killed the pilot and Echo? Or why they steal kids and babies and wanted Walt and pulled that "A Clockwork Orange" crap on Carl, or made Sawyer eat bear biscuits, or where'd that polar bear come from and why was it running around on the island, or how everyone knows someone from somewhere else and how they all ended up on the plane together.....AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!

Seriously, Bobby Ewing better not wake up in the shower on this one or I'm gonna be pissed! "Heroes" hasn't taken the #1 spot on my TiVo, yet (that's still "Lost"), but it just might.

I mean, seriously, how's Niki going to get out of that mirror??? The absolutely only thing I don't like about "Heroes" is Peter and his little stroke-victim thing he's got going on with his bottom lip, but whatever...I totally knew Nathan was Claire's daddy!! That's so cool!!

Don't even get me started on "24". You know, we have TiVo on the downstairs TV so I go old-school and tape (with the VCR) "24" upstairs so we can watch it after. This week, I accidentally taped "SuperNanny"...WHAT!!! I need my "Jack Bauer Power Hour"....I was so pissed!! PMS and no "24". Monday was NOT my best day.

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