Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Where'd my blog go???

Okay, so I typed out what was probably the next "Great American Novel" and blogger decided it wasn't good enough for it's site and it has disappeared. Does that happend a lot to you guys. Oh well. Perhaps it doesn't think my content is blogger-worthy. If I could just figure out those stupid links.....

Anyway, good day, All!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

A Flower for You All.

I just felt like sharing a flower grown by my bro-in-law. Isn't it pretty!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm Feeling Better Today. Thank you Tom Cruise!

I feel so much better today. Exercise is a wonderul thing. I feel much more clear-headed today. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical and a full circuit on the weights with 2 sets each (totaling 8,840 lbs. Fitlinxx at the Y is awesome!). I'm sore, but in a "I did something good" kind of way.

Tom Cruise was right. Vitamins and exercise are all a person needs to feel better. YEAH, right!

I still need chocolate and vodka. In that order. I do feel better after exercising and once we have gotten fully back into the habit, it will be better. As for right now I need my CV and I will be happy. Until then, all beware.

The military should really learn to harness the power of the PMS-ing female. We could seriously win some wars. Just send 1,000 PMS troops in and BLAM... Buh-bye O$ama!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


That's right. You guessed it. Today's the day. I made my son cry and my husband hates me. I suck as a person and I really hate it. Hormones are something that NO man can ever understand and I don't think that in the 13 years that D-man and I have been together that this has changed. I am fully aware of the fact that I seriously need some PMS drugs. I just don't have any right now. We're going to work out this afternoon and I need it. BAD.

On one hand, I feel like the worst mother and wife of all time. On the other...why don't they just F&(#@ing understand????? Do not piss me off right now.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Duh na na na na na...You say it's your birthday....

Holy Oldness Batman!

No, I really don't feel older. Saying 32 or 33 feels no different. I'm having a great birthday (week). Saturday, my WONDERFUL friends surprised me at our annual cookout with a party. My friend, (we'll call him) Super Greg, even decorated a cake for me. It was a volcano and all of the teddy wahinis were sacrificing themselves to the volcano gods instead of turning 33. It was pretty cool. There was MUCH in the way of good food and presents.

Tonight D-man is taking me out to the KT Tunstall concert at Center Stage and my son (with some help from Daddy) gave me a necklace and earring set from Friday, my bestest friend, Sara, is taking me out to dinner and a movie, my office buddies are taking me to lunch on Monday and my old boss is taking me out to lunch on Wednesday. (get thee to a gymnasium!)

So far I have totally raked it in. I've gotten 2 gift certificates, flowers, a pair of shoes, two books, a DVD set, two necklace and earring sets, 3 bottles of wine, a volcano cake, concert tickets, two kinds of pound cake, a handmade scarf and a decorated desk. This birthday is ROCKIN'! I have awesome friends. I love you all!

Happy Day Everyone!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Queenfrog Swims with the Fishes...

(Okay, yes, I know, they're not fishes!)

Holy Cow! I figured something out! I can now post pictures!

This is one of me and Pegasu (I'm on the left) when D-man and I went to swim with the dolphins in Mexico in 2001. About 2 weeks after 9/11 we went to Playa-del-Carmen. We figured it was probably the safest time to fly. We had an awesome time. It was extemely intimidating to swin with the dolphins. They are such beautiful and powerful animals. I don't think I'll do it again b/c I don't agree with animals for human entertainment. (Don't even get me started on the circus elephants...), but I do have to say, it was the most amazing thing to be in the water with a creature that breath-taking. They were well taken care of and seemingly not over-worked, but I still have my issues with it. I didn't until I went through it. I would be content just sitting on the dock feeding them fish.

Just a note out of nowhere...
Watched Dane Cook's "Vicious Circle" last night. Very funny. Especially the part about how men fight versus how women fight. Dead on!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Take Off, eh!

We just got back from a visit to the Great White North. (I mean that figuratively and literally.) We had a visit with the in-laws. They live in western New York state. VERY western New Nork. Lots of trees and water (and toxic waste). Good times. It's absolutely beautiful up there. My in-laws live right on Lake Ontario. You can see Toronto from their backyard. We actually boated across to Toronto once.

My brother-in-law (we'll call him K-dog) docks his boat at a marina just above "The Falls". That's right, Niagara Freakin' Falls. Normally, when we've gone out, we've gone to the river below the Falls. Nice and safe. No fear of plummeting to our death should the motor poop out. Now, there's a whole new fear factor to boating with K-dog.

My little guy got to spend some quality time with his grandparents and cousins. We got to see our 4 nephews, sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law. The D-man and I even got to spend an entire day sans child. We don't get to do that often. It was wonderful. We went to a little town called Niagara-on-the-lake. Beautiful, quaint little town. Had some lunch and some wine and a prailine the size of my head. It was amazing. We did a quick drive-by of the Falls (I make the D-man take me there every time we're there.), did a little shopping (duty free = cheap beer), did a little outlet shopping (alas, no new Liz Claiborne purse this year) and just hung out. Got to talk and hold hands and be goofy kids again. It was great. Got the boy a shirt that read "Moosely Canadian". Appropriate b/c D-man was born Canadian. Get it?!

My sister-in-law (D-man's sister) even cooked a "Thanksgiving" dinner the day before we left. It's good to see them. D-man's sister's husband (we'll call him Ranger)is going through a particularly rough time. He's a teacher and having to deal with some dirty politics from the power-hungry school board and a psychotic board member who stalks them. It's ugly. Ranger is a good and honest man. Hopefully, this will all work out. They are considering moving, which I find upsetting b/c they are being forced out, it's not their own choice. It sucks. Bad school board. Bad!

All in all it was a good trip, but I'm glad to be back in my own bed. We'll be see my mother and father-in-law in January when they come to stay for a visit. I'd better get my list ready. They like to fix things when they come down. I just wish they would come in May...we have lots of outdoor projects to do. New fence, new porch, pressure washing...the list goes on and on.