Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm Feeling Better Today. Thank you Tom Cruise!

I feel so much better today. Exercise is a wonderul thing. I feel much more clear-headed today. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical and a full circuit on the weights with 2 sets each (totaling 8,840 lbs. Fitlinxx at the Y is awesome!). I'm sore, but in a "I did something good" kind of way.

Tom Cruise was right. Vitamins and exercise are all a person needs to feel better. YEAH, right!

I still need chocolate and vodka. In that order. I do feel better after exercising and once we have gotten fully back into the habit, it will be better. As for right now I need my CV and I will be happy. Until then, all beware.

The military should really learn to harness the power of the PMS-ing female. We could seriously win some wars. Just send 1,000 PMS troops in and BLAM... Buh-bye O$ama!

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