Monday, July 02, 2007

"Somebody's got a case of the 'Mondays'!"

Nothing much to say just wanted to get that other blog off the first thing I see when I log on.

The D-man works for the company that sold the phones that people were camping out on street corners for. A type of phone that I shall refer to as the hphone. I think I could live the rest of my days and not hear about a "hphone" and be perfectly happy.

Yes, I think they're cool and the next best thing and all that. But SHEESH!! People! It's a PHONE!! I guess, I'm just jaded. I would never spend THAT much money on something that you could drop in a toilet and bust.

However, if someone were to give me one for free...Hells, yes! I'll take it. But sleep out in the streets for one...I think not.

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