Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ever Wonder...

Ever wonder how someone who's not even 3 feet tall can rule your world? Maybe not. But I do. I'm the mother of an amazing (almost) 3 year old. He's funny. He's silly. He's completely all "Boy". Yesterday, as I lovingly picked him up from pre-school (how guilty working mothers refer to daycare) he proceeded to kick and scream and tell me he didn't want to go home. Meanwhile, he's got a full (and I mean FULL) load in his pull-up. (read: Ewwww!) He's thrown himself on the blacktop parking lot and yelling at me that he doesn't want to go home. (yes, I'm LOVING being a parent right now.)

Then, I get him in the car and he does that straight-back thing that gets him out of his car seat and sliiiiiiides down onto the Cheerio-covered floorboard of my Ford Escape and wails at the top of his voice that I was indeed NOT his friend. (38 hours of labor and all I get is this stinking .....well, you know)

Okay, so I wrangle him into the car. He then yells, at the TOP of his lungs, completely incoherent thoughts about his elephant and "Where the Wild Things Are" until I finally just tell him to keep yelling, ..."c'mon, a little louder. Not everyone in Dunwoody can hear you, yet." For whatever reason, that stopped the tantrum. About a minute later he was asleep. He slept from 4:20pm until 6:00am (the next morning). I got home and I changed his pull-up and put him in bed. He didn't stir until about 9:00pm, I went in and said to him "Goodnight, I will see you in the morning" and he went right back to sleep until 6am the next morning.

It was awesome and at the same time a little scary. D-man and I didn't know what to do with ourselves. So, we finished watching the last 30 minutes of "Walk the Line" and did laundry. Then, I folded clothes and watched our newly purchase, "The Little Mermaid", and then watched "Nip/Tuck". I haven't watched that much TV in one night in a long time.

The Boy woke up at 6am and was a whole new kid. Apparently, he hasn't been napping at school much and it's caught up to him. I also think he's a little anxious about potty-training. He's a little bit high-strung (which I have no idea where it comes from....okay, it's me...) about certain things.

That's my life. My, how things change in just 3 short years!!

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