Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgivmas!

Happy Turkey Day! I'm not so happy that it's Thanksgiving as much as I'm excited about Christmas. Yes, I love Christmas. I love everything about it. I'm one of the masses. I'm out there, in your way at the mall mulling over what to get my child, husband, mother, father, the two people we drew names for, teachers, c0-workers, friend's pets.... Yep, that's me.

I get sucked into every Christmas commercial, song and ditty out there. When I was younger I would listen to Christmas music on my parent's record player for months! I totally get into the radio stations that play days and days of Christmas music. I love decorating my house and my office, but I draw the line at my car. (I mean, really, that's just not safe for anyone.) I love the so-called Christmas spirit. I love just sitting in front of the Christmas tree staring at the white lights and decorations. We have candles and spiced cider and presents. Oh, yeah. Did I mention presents?

I love being surprised. To me there's nothing better than the anticipation of what's wrapped under yards and yards of paper and ribbon. I love the feeling and I love sharing that feeling with others. I know many people do not join me in my enthusiasm for the holidays, but I swear once Thanksgiving is over...up go the lights, decorations and tree!

I can't get my cards out by the day after Thanksgiving, but you'll get one. Don't worry.

Happy Holidays!!

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