Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween in the Mind of a Three Year Old.


That's it.

He was so excited to get his one lollipop he couldn't wait to get home. When I was a kid, my sisters and I would come home to assess the loot.

I'm sure you all (okay, the two of you who read this) can relate. You dump your bag out on the floor or table and let the trading begin. It's a good think I don't like Tootsie Rolls b/c my sister did and I got some good chocolate for those nastly little turdy-looking chews.

Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), for The Boy, he's an only child right now and gets all the candy(that his father doesn't eat) to himself. However, in a couple of years that may change. Either with neighbor kids coming over after or if a sibling comes along. (No word on if that's ever going to happen. A discussion for another day.)

Anyway, I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween. Now, Let's GET READY FOR CHRISTMAS!! I've already got my Santa Hat out and ready.

Kidding, I'll wait at least until after Thanksgiving.

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