Monday, September 12, 2005

Monday, Monday...

Mondays stink. I guess I'm in mourning the loss of the weekend. Weekends are good. Weekends are fun. Weekends are way too effing short. Why is that? Who started that? Must we REALLY be productive? Okay, fine, I get it. Powerful country, blah. We're all a bunch of workaholics who can't relax unless we're blowing someone up. (Yikes, stop there...)

No, I'm not into politics. I found out the hard way that it's a quick conversation stopper. I haven't talked about it since and won't start now. Considering my husband has a minor in Poly-Sci, I'm out of my league anyway.

I do, however, love to talk about movies. I saw "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" this weekend. It was okay. It didn't suck, but I wouldn't say it was great, either. There were a couple of things I couldn't watch, but all in all it was pretty good. It wasn't historically accurate according to a couple of articles I read, but hey, it's Hollywood and it's only "based" on true events. So, technically, they don't have to be. If they were, I'm sure they wouldn't be half as interesting, right? Riiiiight??!

Anyway, I guess I'll get back to work. Blah! (LB, please forgive my grammaticalities........)

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