Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Music of the Night

My dear hubby took me to see "Phantom of the Opera" last night. While I still feel the same way about the "musical" part of musicals, this was visually stunning. I would have loved to have been just a little closer to see the details in the set designs. Also, the notes those women (and men) can hit brought chills to my soul!

I guess I'm going to have to read the book.

I've been to a fair share of plays in my time and I have to say some people just don't get it. I saw people in jeans. JEANS for god sake, it's the Fox! I don't think there's ever an appropriate time to wear jeans to the Fox. Even for a movie. AND what's with the people who can't get to their seat on time and come back holding a beer smelling like smoke? (No offense to my friends that smoke, but it's one thing when you're at a bar. The theater is another thing entirely.) That's just tacky. I had my martini (that my wonderful hubby went back to get for me), but I was still seated well before they dimmed the lights. There were people stumbling back to their seats after the second act had started. That's just rude. What happened to the old rule that if you weren't back in time you had to wait? People in this town certainly show their class by wearing jeans and coming in late during a Broadway production.

Of course, hubby and I got Junior Mints...but we were seated on time, by god!

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